Yu Zheng Signs A New Artist

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Yu Zheng Signs A New Artist

He Ruixian Yu Zheng New Artist

Producer Yu Zheng has signed He Ruixian to his studio. Now if the name of the 24 yr old actress doesn't sound familiar, you might want to check out Demon Girl also produced by Yu Zheng because because he already casted her as the second lead in 2016.  

He Ruixian Demon Girl
Yu Zheng admits that he has been wanting to sign He Ruixian since Demon Girl but couldn't since she was busy with her studies. He goes on to share a story about He Ruixian's first day. She was very tense and nervous during the first day of shooting. He brought a bottle of baijiu to the set. He Ruixian who never drinks downed half a bottle and exhibited exceptional acting skills but she was knocked out before completing her final scene. 

He Ruixian Yu Zheng New Artist

He Ruixian Yu Zheng New Artist

Yu Zheng ended his post by saying He Ruixian has extraordinary acting skills and that new opportunities and challenges await her. Yu Zheng helped turn Wu Jinyan into a star through Story of Yanxi Palace this year. Can he do it again? We'll just have to wait and see.  

 He Ruixian Yu Zheng New Artist

He Ruixian Yu Zheng New Artist

Source: 1

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