Richie Ren's Drastic Weight Gain For A Movie Wasted?

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Richie Ren's Drastic Weight Gain For A Movie Wasted?

Doze Niu and Richie Ren
Singer-actor Richie Ren has gained weight for the movie Running Horse. Richie, who is 177 cm tall, originally weighed 76 kg. He piled on the pounds this March and upped his weight to 100 kg for the lead role in the movie.  

Running Horse is directed by Doze Niu but production has been halted after a female staff came forward with sexual assault allegations against the director himself that was widely reported in the media.

At 52 years old, Richie Ren admits having to put on so much weight in such a short time was very difficult as he sometimes gets jolted awake due to acid reflux every night.  He also has high blood sugar because of the sudden weight gain.

Richie has since tried to shed his excess weight and has now lost 17 kg.  When asked about the sacrifice he made for the movie being wasted, Richie Ren commented that he didn't want to say much except that everyone wanted to make an excellent movie.  "But things can only be faced. I don't know what to do. I can only wait." he said.  

Source: 1 2 3

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