Goodbye My Princess

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Judul : Goodbye My Princess
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Goodbye My Princess

Goodbye My Princess 东宫 is a Chinese drama based on a novel by Fei Wo Si Cun 匪我思存 that runs for 55 episodes. Hopefully, that will be enough to satisfy us drama addicts because the few shots of the main couple are very captivating.

Goodbye My Princess Chen XingxuGoodbye My Princess Peng Xiaoran
Goodbye My Princess Wei QianxiangGoodbye My Princess Si Qin Gao Wa
Goodbye My Princess follows the story of the ninth princess of the Xi Liang country, who despite being spoiled, is well loved by her people. She is arranged to be married to a prince of the Central Plains. However, they are dragged into a world of politics, intrigue, betrayal and the struggle for power. Will they be able to weather the trials set before them and find each other again?

Goodbye My Princess Gallen Lo
Goodbye My Princess
It features a mixed cast of veteran actors as well as some newcomers. Chen Xingxu (Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017) plays the mild-tempered prince while Peng Xiaoran (Legend of Ba Qing) will give life to the role of the princess from Xi Liang. They are joined by Wei Qianxiang, Si Qin Gao Wa, Gallen LoWang Zhifei, Zhang Dinghan and more. 

Release Date: December 12, 2018 Youku (Postponed due to schedule changes)

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Goodbye My Princess
Goodbye My Princess
Goodbye My Princess cast
Goodbye My Princess cast
Source: 1

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